For me, the translation is tricky... and correct me if I'm wrong... but "palabre" is "words" in the sense of having a conversation, and "intendant" is basically a royal civil servant, comme Jean Talon, a senior official of New France when it was first formed. So... roughly translated, words with a royal civil servant (like Jean talon), which makes a lot of sense, given the thoughts behind the style.
It has a very enticing and interesting smell... herbal / mint & evergreen with ginger bread, and some bright hop notes.
The aftertaste is a little soapy from its ginger side... maybe would be better if it was more on the gingerbread side than ginger. It has a very fresh herbal / evergreen aftertaste / feel, too... leaves your mouth feeling refreshed. Very interesting, unique flavour.
There's a bit of bitterness mixed in with that soapiness in the finish. It's pretty clean & slightly dry / airy, after some light stickiness. The body's light, but on the full side of light.
A memorable brew, a nice little beer experience, and one of my favourites from this brewery.