Corne de Brume

The English translation: foghorn.

This beer is a dark red-brown, with a finger or so of reddish-tinted head, which lowers to a skim.

I read someone say that they smelled ketchup chips in this beer, and I can see that... it's got a bit of vinegar, & some woodiness - it reminds me of Rodenbach's Grand Cru a little bit.

The flavour is roasty... coffee notes, a bit of chocolate, salt... the 9% is very hidden. It almost comes of like an espresso stout or dry Irish stout in some ways... some dark fruit sweetness... starting to make me think it's an abbey double... tastes a bit like there candi sugar is in the mix, with some dark fruits like date... like a date square.

It has a med-to-full body, the carb's a little prickly (but not too sharp), and the finish is quite clean and a bit bitter.

Overall, a nice beer - it didn't really wow me in any way, but it had no low points, was solid & tasty; mid-pack for their beers.