Founders Centennial IPA

This one pours a dark / medium-dark amber. Two to three fingers of head lower to mostly a creamy skim. It's slightly hazy & has a few bubbles in the glass. There's pretty solid grainy, spotty & rings of lacing.

It starts smelling better with a bit of warmth, actually. Pineapple is the main aroma, with some orange & maybe some other tropical notes like blood orange & mango. Fairly luscious, but not the most aromatic or exotic IPA out there by along shot.

Flavour has a good malt backbone. It's a little spicy, but mostly grassy, with lots of fruit up front (some as the aroma). Burps & aftertaste are nice.

It's nicely bitter - not numbing or overpowering, just strong, nice, &... "polite". There's a bit of heat near the end of the glass.

Very solid - liked it quite a bit. Better than mid-range, but not up at the top for me.