There is some alcohol in the aroma, especially as it warms up. It's malty with some caramel / demerara sugar.
There is definitely some alcohol in the taste. It's a little medicinal that borders / competes with a licorice slant. It's warming on a cold day, for sure. As the glass goes on, the alcohol is a bit strong / lingering in the aftertaste. On the plus side, the high ABV doesn't really factor in the feel. It's really reminding me of some amber or dark rums.
It has a medium feel and carbonation, with a slick finish.
Overall... maybe a 3 or a 4 out of 5. The novelty of having it on tap on PEI (at Water Street Fish & Chips) makes me want to say a 4, even though I feel it's really more of a 3. I'd have it again, especially if this weather persists.