Gahan's Iron Horse Brown Ale

This newly-bottled Gahan offering pours a fairly dark, clear brown. It has about a finger of fairly dense tan head. There is solid lacing at the start, switching to rings / splotches that look somewhat grainy - a bit like powdered milk.

In the nose are some oats, and almost a smell of corn. Slightly sweet, faint chocolate. I wondered if I picked out a bit of DMS? Maybe not. There is something slightly butterscotchy & refried-black-beany about it though - sweet and earthy - which briefly reminded me of "off"erings from some other regional brewers in the last year.

There are light, roasted flavours of coffee, oats, and maybe some dark, grainy chocolate. There is something slightly and lightly Nutella-like about it (probably the chocolate mixing with the roasted / nutty notes combo, I guess).

Carbonation is light, but there. The mouthfeel is on the light side of medium. The finish is rather dry, and slightly bitter.

Overall... you know what? It's alright. The finish is rather flavourful, and there is nothing really off about it... not too shabby. My one main criticism has nothing to do with the beer: Why the boring label? Why not use what they have as a tap label at the pub - it's a much better logo.