Pump House Cadian Cream Ale

A hazy, (even) creamy-looking yellow ale with a bit of semi-creamy head that reduces to a skim pretty quickly.

The smell is a mix of apple and custard / tapioca. It smells sweet and creamy... so far, the name fits.

The taste is hard to pin, which is good, I guess. When I had some in the summer, straight out of the bottle, I enjoyed it more, though. It's still OK in a glass. The apple smell isn't in the flavour. The flavour is more of something creamy... a bit of biscuit dough, maybe. There is something about it that reminds me of lettuce of all things (slightly bitter lettuce, at that). Kind of a clove / spice note to it. It's a bit odd, really... OK, but not great.

The feel is good. The carbonation is balanced well, and it's not too watery. Just creamy enough.

The drinkability is OK. It is a bit odd/unique, which is, in some regards, good, but... overall, it's not too tasty.