Catch the Red Eye

Folks, it's been a mess of  "perfect storm" weather on PEI lately, but - rejoice. A new perfect storm of things is going to get mixed up, starting tomorrow, in bombogenic fashion: ECMA week officially starts tomorrow, so does Burger Love, and, as part of the ECMA festivities, Barnone has made a special beer exclusively for the 150-hr jam at Baba's Lounge: Red Eye P.A., or a red India pale ale. The brew had a 150-min boil time, was brewed with 150 kg of malt, 150 ounces of hops, and clocks in at 150 IBUs. It was also created for the 150th anniversary of the Ch'town Conference (finally, someone around here has a good beer idea for this!). I know what my supper plans are for tomorrow: Burger Love at Cedar's / Baba's with some Red Eye P.A.

PS - while I may expect a lot from the beer, if it was ever bottled and this was the label, it would instantly be the best label a beer on PEI's ever had.